May 28, 2010

O' Canada!

One of the great things about being a Martial Arts Instructor is that you get to work with kids everyday! And sometimes there is just a jewel of a moment where they say the darndest, funniest stuff...

Part of the test for each student to advance to their next rank is an oral exam - they must answer specific questions about Taekwondo, its origin, their rank, instructors, etc... so I asked one of them last night, "Where does Taekwondo come from?" without a moments hesitation is Yelled, "CANADA sir!" ... I couldn't help myself, I giggled a little, and corrected him, "It's Korea." To which he immediately qualified, "I KNEW it started with a "C" sir!"

Korea may not, but Cute sure does - hence the story.


Kim said...

LOL... that is a really cute story :)

Lindsay said...

That is pretty funny. Hey Ashley, I haven't talked to you forever. I don't have your email to give you my new phone numbers, but I can call you this weekend if you are available. Sorry, we both have been super busy I'm sure. But, I would love to talk and catch up with you.

Jill T said...

That's a pretty good story guys. Good thing it's an oral and not a spelling test I guess. He may have gotten away with it.

It's been really good to talk to you guys lately, you guys are great friends. Hope your week goes well!

here's our blog too!